Secure Console Management Switch SCM- 8 or 16 ports
The SCM Series has been replaced by the RSM Series of Terminal Servers !
Asynchronous Port Switch for Telnet and Modem with encryption
- 8/16-Port Terminalserver
- SSHv1, SSHv2, Telnet and Dial-Up Access to Consoles at Remote Locations
- Secure UNIX Serial Console Management
- Secure Local or Remote Console Port Switching
- Manage Multiple Console Ports using a Single VT100 Terminal or PC
- SSHv2 Secure Console Manager
- Secure Shell (SSHv2) Encryption
- Simultaneous SSH Sessions
- 10Base-T Ethernet Port
- Non-Connect Port Buffering
- SYSLOG Reporting
- SNMP Capability
- TACACS & RADIUS Server Compatibility
- Any-to-Any Port Switching
- IP Filtering Security Features
- Dial-Back Security on Modem Port
- Command Logging with Audit Trail
- Port-Specific Password Protection
- Data Rate Conversion, 300 to 115K bps
- NTP Server Ready
- Modem Auto-Setup Command Strings (User Definable)
- Easy-to-Use Menu/Commands
- Menu Driven or Discrete TCP Port Connections
- Up to 64 Different User Accounts
- 110 VAC - 230 VAC Auto Sensing Power Supply
- No Unintentional Breaks
The SCM-8/16 Secure Console/AUX Management Switch provides secure, in-band and out-of-band access to RS-232 console ports and maintenance ports on UNIX servers, routers and any other network elements which have a serial console port or craft port. System administrators can access the SCM-8/16 via TCP/IP network, using SSH or Telnet, or out-of-band via modem or local terminal. After contacting the unit, simple, menu-driven commands are then used to connect to serial maintenance ports or select configuration parameters. In addition, the SCM-16 also allows you to access maintenance ports using discrete TCP port connections, mapped directly to one of the SCM's 16 serial ports